Presenting Information or Ideas – IC
Why attend this course?
Business life for most of us demands that we are good communicators which may mean that we are asked to present our ideas and proposals from time to time.
This course is packed with real-world examples of how best to present, and includes plenty of opportunity for you to practice in a live environment.
Who should attend?
This course is aimed at aimed at those who need to present information or who need to contribute towards presentations.
How will I benefit from this course?
You will learn how to deliver information, convey key messages and appeal to an audience.
Outline of programme
- The approach you must adopt
Setting the scene
- Objectives
- Desired presentation outcomes
- Audience definition
- Key messages – words, phrases and numbers for audience impact
- Detailed benefits
- Structure and narrative
- Slides / video
- Production of handouts / online copy
- Review, Edit and Rehearse
- Planning matrix – Objectives vs Content
- Define key messages
- Structure and narrative
Engagement techniques
- Needs
- Motivations
- Emotive Issues
Confidence building
- Capitalising on your personality
- Use your body language
Persuasion techniques
- Repetition
- Reasoning
- Proof
- Consistency
- Comparison
- Association
Conveying messages
- Articulating key messages
- Matching language to audience
Build rapport
- Words, phrases and sentences with which your audience will identify
- Clarity of Voice
- Appearance
Prepare answers to likely questions
- Planning
- Dealing with difficult and unexpected questions
- Presenting and reviews
- Personal action plan